Since the daughters want to be bitches, the father must help them in this! So that later he would not be ashamed of them. By shoving his dick into their tight ass, he gave them his permission to become whores. That's a manly thing to do!
Captain 54 days ago
What a cutie, I'd love to catch me one of those warmed up on the hot stuff. The young men did a great oral warm up and then it was on to the classics, looks great.
Mark 41 days ago
Lucky chubby guy - a gorgeous woman on his dick. And I didn't think women like that would fall for the chubby boars!
Since the daughters want to be bitches, the father must help them in this! So that later he would not be ashamed of them. By shoving his dick into their tight ass, he gave them his permission to become whores. That's a manly thing to do!